viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2010

The Brain!

The last October's Tuesday, Dr. Pedro Maldonado came to our class and talked about the interesting topic of the Human Brain Myths.
That day, Dr. Maldonado talked about several myths of human brain, but was one of them that attracted my attention more than the others: the capacity of the brain of save the information in different areas.
Is interesting how our brain can save some kinds of memories in one place and others kinds in other site, or if I am seeing a picture the brain activation is very similar that if I am thinking in that picture. There is not a particular area that is it only for one function.
Is like a defense mechanism, because if we have an accident that hurts our brain, not all the information is going to be missed.
This knowledge is very important in the physical therapy, because in Neurokinesiology the principal work is the rehabilitation of patients that suffer of any central nervous system's disease, and an important treatment is strengthen functions of other zones of the brain that in their diseases the original place was in the damaged area. Things like memory, movement or somatotopy are suceptible of recover with a hard treatment but not always are very effective. So we need to specialize more in these issues to get more knowledge and improve our treatment's system and techniques

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