jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010

The English Program at the Faculty

The last year started in the faculty the curricular innovation in two careers: Physical Therapy and Obstetrics. This new concept of curriculum consists in join different subjects into a big one, taking the essential things of these to improve the learning of the students. In all this transformation, one of the principals innovations was include and establish the English language as an obligatory subject inside the curriculum.

Personally when I started to study Physical Therapy, I never thought that I'm going to have an English course, I wasn't really happy for that, because when I was in the School my teachers wasn't goods, and even they didn't take a real importance to his classes, I thought that the English was the same in all places, but I was wrong. The English course is very important for all the students, even more for the Medicine Faculty's students. In a country where we have to compete a lot for a good job, is really important have many tools to develop us of the best way in this world, specifically in this country.

The topics of the course were advancing in quantity and difficulty. At the beginning the topics were more basics, but to the last term in intermediate level, were always related with our professions or with health topics.
One of the most important things are that when I started to study physical therapy there were a lot of papers to read, and personally I didn't understand very much, but now is not very difficult to me read a paper, even a  scientific paper with all the medicals names, because the course includes a special strengthening in this topic.

Finally I think that this subject is very beneficial for us as students of a health career, because the handling of this language, allows us be aware about the principals techniques in our professional ambit. Furthermore this innovations has an implicit implication and this is that we can share with students of different careers like Obstetrics, a very important instance that existed in the old curriculum with the traditional subjects, but that in the news subject was eliminate unintentionally, Personally I feel very pleased with this course and I hope that can continue improving the learning of all the students.

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