jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010


What is stress? in a common dictionary we can find a definition like: "Tension caused by overwhelming situations that originate psychosomatic reactions or psychological troubles, sometimes serious."
I think that this definition is right, but is not complete yet. We can say to complete this definition, from a medical perspective, that the stress is a physiological reaction of human body with a lot of defense mechanisms to face a threatening situation.
In Chile we have highs levels of stress related work principally, because some people work about 12 hours daily for a littel money quantity, they don't have de necesary infrastructure or they don't like their work environment.
Many poeple who have been suffered stress in their lives for a long time, probably will develop serious diseases like cancer, irritable bowel, etc.

Some physiologycal symptoms are the release of catecholamines like adrenaline, release of cortisol and ekephalin.
Tachycardia and tachipnea(the increase of respiratory frequency) are more visibles symptoms.
In the short-term these symptoms increase the survival probabilities in dangerous situations, but in medium-term, they can provoke insomnia depression, muscle pain, anxiety, etc. But not all the people have the same symptoms

The stress for me, as a student, is very commonm, especially in testing periods. I feel very tired, i don't sleep a lot, I don't have hungry, I have headache, etc. But I just have to wait the weekend, receive a good massage, sleep all that i have to sleep, make a break in the studies and I am ready for te next week.

1 comentario:

  1. wow, that's very interesting¡ and now I understand many things haha... stress kept me two weeks without sleeping, it was horrible¡
