jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010

The toxic red river

In a metal plant of Ajka, a town in Hungary located 100 miles southwest of Budapest, a gigantic sludge reservoir bursted last Monday.
The red sludge started to move like a real river and arrived to little towns that were in his bed causing a big damage to the people, houses, cars, animals, plants, etc. that was there.
The original pH of the slurry was about 12, a very dangerous alkaline level that can provoke serious burns, but actually the pH is under 10 and a harmless level is between 6 and 8.
About four people have died by this mud, three are still missing and about one hundred people were injuried.
Now the principal problem is that the toxic red river has reached te Mosoni-Danube, a branch of the Danube river, the second longest in Europe, that border with Slovakia and Austria. And the principal efforts of the European Union are focus in stop the movement of this big mass of sludge, because can provoke a very serious damage in the environment if can reach the Danube, for all the underwater species that live there. Also if the mud can reach the Danube this disaster will affect at least half a dozen other countries.
Greenpeace said yesterday that the spill was one of the "top three environmental disasters in Europe in the last 20 or 30 years"


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